To sign up for one of our legendary Long Range Shooting Classes head to our Online Class Booking page to sign up and pay for your class!
2025 Class Dates
January 18-19
February 22-23
March 1-2
May 17-18
June (Ladies Only) 21-22
September 13-14
November 1-2
December 6-7
2 day classes are designed for the novice as well as the seasoned shooters. The class is made so it is simple to understand. Every student leaves with the knowledge and the skills needed to shoot long range. The class is set up to help the avid hunter(s) who want to extend the range they can harvest game ethically.
AFI's long range classes start off with half the day in the classroom, where we will teach you every aspect of long-range shooting from the rifle, scope, bullet, ballistics, and proper shooting positions. We also make sure everyone knows their specific rifle and bullet information such as twist rate, bullet length and B.C. as well as the S.G. factor of their rifle and load. We then show students how to take all the ballistics data and put it into whatever ballistics calculator they wish to use, however we also prepare all student ballistics charts for day two.
After the classroom portion of the course we move down range to our ballistics data range. At this range we make sure everyone's scopes are properly installed and adjusted. We then make sure everyone's rifles are zeroed. We teach our students how to properly fit the rifle to the body and how to operate the rifle as if it was extension of their body. We then show our students how to test their scopes to make sure they are tracking properly. AFI also uses Doppler Radar to make sure you have the most accurate reading of your muzzle velocity
AFI has several different long-range ranges. Day 2 starts off at what we call the Mill range. Here we start off with teaching students how to "Read" the environment to get an accurate wind call and how it will affect your round down range. We also teach how angles play into shooting at distance and how to compensate for such angles.
We also have another long-range facility in Elk Creek we call the Safari Range. At this range we have all life-sized steel reactive targets. We have everything from Deer, Antelope, Squirrels, Owls, and we even have a monkey in a tree.
What to bring;
Good attitude, lunch, snacks, water. Outdoor clothing, jacket, possible inclement weather (no red colored clothing, instructors only). Backpack (Stuff it with Clothes or bedding to shoot off of). Binoculars. Clipboard, pencil or pen. Scoped rifle w/ min 150 rounds ammunition. Hearing protection (electronic preferred). Safety glasses or prescription glasses.
Optional items;
Glasses (reading/sunglasses), back-up scoped rifle with ammo, shooting bags/rests, shooting pad/mat, bi-pod, rangefinder, spotting scope, tripod, weather/wind meter, cell phone with ballistic app.
243 cal rifle or larger, boat-tail hunting or match bullets, 9 power scope or larger with finger adjustable turrets and adjustable parallax.
We will provide the targets, instructional material (Binder with class Powerpoint), Range card to include angle shooting chart, wind call chart, and rifle data cards.
· From I.5 in Willows CA, take the Hwy 162 Exit west and travel approx. 20 miles until Hwy 162 intersects with County Rd 306.
· Turn South onto County Rd 306 and drive through the small community of Elk Creek. Travel approx. 2.1 miles south till you see a driveway on the east side of the road with A.F.I.’s Logo on a sandwich board
· Turn east into the driveway and continue to our new schoolhouse, where we will begin our classes the 1st day of the class.
Durham Guns and Ammo sponsors our classroom as well as our Ballistics Data Range. If you live in Northern California and want/need anything firearms related, give Byron a call @ 530-624-6874
Our Mill Range is Sponsored by Stone Glacier. Stone Glacier offers the best packs, clothing, tents and other gear suited for the most rugged of hunting/adventure trips. Stone Glacier | Technical Hunting Gear, Packs & Apparel
Swithenbank Construction sponsors our Safari Range. Swithenbank Construction is Located in Fort Bragg CA. if you need anything build or remodeled give Travis a call @ 707-357-4007
Our legendary two-day long-range classes start off in the classroom. Here, we teach you everything you need to know about the rifle, scope, and ammunition. The class is designed so when you leave our facility, you will be able to employ this new information and skill set to develop and shoot ballistic data at long range with any rifle, scope and ammunition.
After the classroom portion of the 1st day, we take shooters down to our Ballistics Data Range. Here, we teach you how to properly set up the diopter on your scope, how to fit the rifle to your body, proper trigger control, follow through and other skills necessary to become better shooters. We also get the last piece of the ballistics puzzle at this range, which is muzzle velocity. At A.F.I. we use Dopler radar to achieve this so your ballistics information as as accurate as it can get.
The Stone Glacier Mill Range is somewhat like Linier 1000 yard ranges, with some major differences. We have set this range up specifically so that wind blows at full value to our shooter's trajectory. We did this so our shooters can not only have the ability to call an environmental wind call but do it extremely accurately. All of A.F.I.'s targets are Ar500 steel, so shooters get a visual as well as auditory response to an accurate hit.
All of A.F.I.'s ranges have shoot houses that shooters shoot from. They not only have heat and AC, but we have special equipment that links our spotting scopes to big screen T.V.s, so shooters can watch their classmates impacts on live TV.
The Safari Range is the feather in our caps. This range has all, full sized, AR500 animals with reactive vitals, swingers and poppers out to just under 1000 yards.
We have everything from, pigs to bears and everything in between. we even have a monkey swinging in a tree.