This class is held at 3965 Morrow Ln, Chico. There are two ways to sign up and pay. 1) Just the class is $40. 2) The class plus one of our Trauma Kits is $150. Our Kits retail at $150 so with this option you purchase the kits and get the class for free.
A unique walking tour of the City with time to enjoy lunch and shopping too! Maximize your sightseeing with this exceptional tour.
Angel’s Firearms Instruction (A.F.I.) Is pleased to offer this extremely important class.
Our new Trauma Kits, which have been specifically made for A.F.I. by North American Resue, the nation's gold standard for EMT, Law Enforcment, Military and First aid resources are valued at $150. The cost of this class is $150, so you are essentially getting the class for free with the purchase of an A.F.I. Trauma Kit.
Ryan has more than 20 years’ experience as a First Responder. He has worked in both the Fire Service as well as in the private EMS industry. He is a certified instructor in Pre-Hospital Trauma Life Support as well as an instruction for CPR, First Aid, and Stop the Bleed.
Ryan is currently employed as a full time Paramedic Field Supervisor with Butte County EMS. Ryan oversees the daily operations of the Butte EMS Group within Butte County.
Ryan is also a member of the Butte County Sheriff’s S.W.A.T. Team, where he is a Tactical Paramedic.
Ryan is an avid outdoorsman, and loves to shoot long range rifles. Ryan has adopted the mentality that he is a life long student and any craft he wishes to pursue and is always seeking more and better material so that he can hone his crafts.
Throughout the STOP THE BLEED course, you'll gain the ability to recognize life-threatening bleeding and intervene effectively. The person next to a bleeding victim may be the one who's most likely to save their life. Take the course and become empowered to make a life-or-death difference when a bleeding emergency occurs. STOP THE BLEED. Save a Life.
These classes are invaluable for Construction sites, Agricultural Companies, Large Packaging Facilities, Schools, Daycares, Places of Worship and Shopping Centers plus man many more.
Each student gets hands on training on Tourniquet application, Wound packing, and other vital skills needed to stop life-threatening bleeding.
Each student not only will leave with their own trauma kit, but the knowledge of how to use it to save their lives, or the lives of others.
A.F.I. is able to bring this course to you. If you own or operate a business that has a higher likelihood of having a life-threatening bleed trauma event, Agricultural, mechanical, places of worship, schools, or if you routinely conduct business or play in areas that are removed from basic life-saving recourses.. this is the class for you.